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The Window of the Soul
During prayer I often turn to God and recall the meaning of the words of Tradition, "the delight felt in the ritual prayer." The window of my soul opens, and from the purity of the unseen world, the book of God comes to me directly. The book, the rain of divine grace, and the light are falling into my house through a window from my real and original source.
– Rumi, Mathnawi III, 2401-05

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The most important aspect of living is embracing our spiritual truths, our inherent Self, our essence. Spiritual mentorship is available everywhere all the time.When we are in touch with our deeper self, know the breadth of our expansive Self, we see how we are guided every moment. Whether guided by Nature, the grocery clerk, the homeless man down the street, Spirit is everpresent, waiting to guide. This is the home of faith, the link toward greater consciousness.

Dr. Huber has practiced and been exposed to many teachings of faith. Raised Roman Catholic, he felt called to be a priest when he was a boy. While his spiritual growth took a decidedly different direction, the calling to guide people spiritually has remained.

As a Transpersonal Psychologist, Dr. Huber has studied many sacred texts, gaining a deep respect for all faiths and disciplines. As a practitioner of Christian mysticism, yoga, Buddhism, and the Course in Miracles, he brings to his practice a wide repertoire of spiritual beliefs, practices and backgrounds. His exposure to the depths of life and death issues while working in Hospice Programs and other settings has shown him that the Soul lives on.

Spiritual mentoring is simply helping you tune into your inherent Spirit within. When you tap into that powerful, spiritual place, you become aware of the bigger picture in life and your place within it. Many of the issues you face will take on different significance when this occurs.

As your spiritual mentor, Dr. Huber may teach you particular spiritual practices that seem right for you. He may suggest certain spiritual readings or refer you to current authors writing about a topic that’s helpful to you. Your spiritual practice together may range from prayer and meditation, to having a tea ceremony in Dr. Huber's office, to partaking on a shamanic journey, to celebrating rituals in nature.